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İlk Yazımız "ATATÜRK’ÜN KURAN-I KERİM ve PİYANO HEDİYE ETTİĞİ İLKOKUL" başlığını taşımaktadır.
Özden Bilen is familiar with the spheres of water policymaking and academia. He was assigned to the Director General of Sate Hydraulic Works (DSİ) in 1993 after holding several offices in the same organization and retired in 1995.

This website includes selected bibliographic list of books, articles, reports related to hydropolitics, water resources development & management which are a part of his private library. Water Resources Archive was classified according to the different subject areas. The purpose of the website is to provide a quick reference to particularly on the subject of “trans-boundary waters” for young scholars and those concerned. Most of his personal publications and presentations could be reached online.

An autobiographical essay covering his childhood, university and career years was posted on the website as e-book format.

All the content of Özden Bilen's books and articles could be used, provided you indicate the source.
Orsam Water Resources Programme
1. Text of Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000
2. Türkiye'nin Su Gündemi: Su Yönetimi ve AB Su Politikaları
3. A Hydropolitical Assessment of the European Union's Water Policy (2006)
4. A Hydropolitical Assessment of the European Union's Water Policy (2006)

1. Guidance Document No 1: Economics and Environment
2. Guidance Document No 2: Identification of Water Bodies
3. Guidance Document No 3: Analysis of Pressures and Impact
4. Guidance Document No 4: Identification and Designation of Heavily Modified and Artificial Water Bodies
5. Guidance Document No 5: Transitional and Coastal Waters-Typology, Reference Conditions and Classification Systems
6. Guidance Document No 6: Towards a guidance on establishmet of the intercalibration network and the process on the intercalibration exercise
7. Guidance Document No 7: Monitoring under the Water Framework Directive
8. Guidance Document No 8: Public Participation in relation to the Water Framework Directive
9. Guidance Document No 10: River and Lakes-Typology, reference conditions and clasification systems
10. Guidance Document No 11: Planning process
11. Guidance Document No 13: Overall approach to the classification of ecological status and ecological potential
12. Policy Summary to Guidance Document No 1
13. Policy Summary to Guidance Document No 3
14. Policy Summary to Guidance Document No 4
15. Policy Summary to Guidance Document No 6
16. Policy Summary to Guidance Document No 7
17. Policy Summary to Guidance Document No 9
18. Policy Summary to Guidance Document No 10
19. Common Implementation Strategy (CIS)-Strategic Document-2 May 2001
20. Overall Approach to the Classication of Ecological Status and Ecological Status and Ecological Potential-Final Version on 24/25 November 2003
21. Guidance on establishing reference conditions and ecological status class boundaries for inland surface waters (REFCOND)
22. Guidance on typology, reference conditions and classification systems for transitional and costal waters
23. Economics and the Environment-The Implemantation Challenge of the WFD- A Guidance Document
24. Economics and the Environment-The Implemantation Challenge of the WFD- Policy Summary to the Guidance Document
25. Economics and the Environment-The Implemantation Challenge of the WFD- Accompanying Documents to the Guidance
26. Timetable for implementation of WFD
27. Implementation of the new EU Water Policy : Is the direction right ?(2001)
28. EEB / CCB (Coalition Clean Baltic) Water Seminar Report (2002)
29. Draft Recommendation for Second Reading ( of the WFD)-1999
30. The EU Water Framework Directive : Part 1. European Policy-Making and Changing Topography of Lobbying (2003)
31. The EU Water Framework Directive : Part 2. Policy Innovation and the Shifting Choreography of Governance (2003)
32. Handbook on the Implementation of EC Environmental Legislation (2007)
33. Main Administrative Structures Required for Implementing the EU ACQUIS (2005)
34. The EU water framework directive: measures and implications (2001)
35. Does the EC Water Framework Directive Build Resilience? Harnessing Socio-Ecological Complexity in European Water Management
36. Use of New Technologies and Cost of Water in View of the New Water Water Directive of the EU (2000)
37. Law and New Environmental Governance in the European Union (2001)
38. European Governance / A White Paper (2001)
39. An Analysis of the Environmemtal Management Elements of the Water Framework Directive and Its Implementation Components (2005)
40. Spatial planning, water and the Water Framework Directive: insights from theory and practice (2007)
41. First stage in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (2007)

42. German Guidance Document for the implementation of the EC Water Framework Directive
43. River Basin Planning Guidance (2006)
44. Nordic EU Water Framework Directive-Seminar
45. Water: local planning and management / Practical examples from England-Germany-Latvia-Spain-Sweden
46. Water Frame Work Directive: Anglian River Basin District, Summary report of the characterization, impacts and economics analyses required by Article 5
47. National Report on Water Management at River- Basin Level in the Republic of Bulgaria (2005)
48. The EU Water Framework Directive implementation in the Iberian context
49. Potential Implications of the EU Water Framework Directive in Sweden
50. Implementation of WFD in Turkey / Pilot Project (MATRA PROJECT)
51. Restructuring of the Turkish Water Sector for the Implementation of EU Water Directives (2005)
52. AB Entegre Çevre Uyum Stratejisi (UÇES): 2007-2023
53. Technical Assistance for Environmental Heavy-Cost Invesment Planning-TURKEY (2004)
54. The EU water framework directive: measures and implications