Orsam Water Resources Programme |
Yağmurlama ve Yüzeysel Sulama (Sprinkler & Surface Irrigation)
Extracted from Özden Bilen's Private Library (Özden Bilen'in Özel Kütüphanesinden Alıntılanmış)
FAO (1988): FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 44, pp. 247
Bergmann H. & Boussard J. M. (1976): OECD, Paris, pp.257
A. Benami & A. Ofen (1984): Faculty of Agricultural Enginnering Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, pp.257
J. Howard Turner & Carl L. Anderson (1980): Soil Conservation Service, US, Department of Agricultural, pp.120
CEMAGREF & CEP (1992): Réseau National Expérimentation Démonstration-Hydraulique Agricole, Montpelier
Orson W. Israelsen & Vaughn E. Hansen (1962): John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pp.447
Edited by Shoichiro Nakagawa et al.(1983):Fuji Marketing Research Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, pp.878
Several World Bank Technical Papers
Willem Van Tuijl (1993): World Bank Technical Paper Number 201, pp.55
Daniel Hillel (1989): World Bank Technical Paper Number 64, pp.107
Guy Le Moigne et al. (1989): World Bank Technical Paper Number 94, pp.141
Guy Le Moign et al.(1992): World Bank Technical Paper Number 178, pp.167
Mei Xie, Ulrich Kuffner, and Guy Le Moigne (1993): World Bank Technical Paper Number 205, pp.52
International Commission on Irrıgation and Drainage (1989): World Bank Technical Paper Number 99, pp.150
Several Books and Papers
FAO (1989): FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 45, pp.137
FAO (1997): FAO Land and Water Bulletin 4, pp.177
FAO (1991): DSİ, December 2-13 1991, Ankara Turkey, pp.163
- Applications of Climatic Data for Effective Irrigation Planning and Management: Training Manual /Roving Seminar organized by FAO and WMO / Workbook
FAO (1990): Report, Rome, Italy, 28-31 May 1990, pp.60
FAO (1991): DSİ, December 2-13 1991, Ankara Turkey, pp.126
- Manual for Cropwat /Preliminary Version (May 1989)
- Guidelines for using Cropwat / Project Example for İndia National Water Management Project / May 1988
- Outline: Irrigation Scheduling Model /February 1989
- Cimate Data Management System /April 1989, WMO
FAO (1993): FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 49, pp.113
FAO (1994): FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 46, pp.125
FAO (1994): FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 24, pp.144
FAO (1994): FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 33, pp.193
- Su İle Verim Arasındaki İlişki ve Noksan Sulamanın Verim Üzerine Etkisi (1983) / M. Emin Ulusoy
- Bitkilerde Su Verim İlişkisi ve Kısıntılı Sulamanın Verim Üzerindeki Etkileri (?)
FAO &PIT'S: A Computer Programme for IBM /PC or Compatibles, AGLW Service
US Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Engineering Dvision (1970): Technical Release No 21
FAO (1991): DSİ, December 2-13 1991, Ankara Turkey, pp.163
- Guidelines for using Cropwat in Turkey
Tercüme eden: Lütfi Şahin(1993): DSİ, Ankara
Leo A. Kinney & Michael R. Moncrief (1979): USBR, US Department of Interior, Denver Colorado
O. Yıldırım & M. Beyribey (1991): Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, KHGM, Ankara.
A. Balaban & M. Beribey (1990)
F. Volkan & Atilla Ataç (1993)
M. Kapıdere (1988): DSİ, Etüd ve Plan Dairesi Başkanlığı, pp.87
A. Korukçu & O. Yıldırım (1981): Topraksu Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
Y. Sözer (1972): Pimaş A.Ş. Yayınları, İstanbul.
Harlan G. Collins(1972): Irrigation and Drainage Specialty Conference, Spokane Washington, September 26-28,1972.
Albert E. Gibbs(1972): Irrigation and Drainage Specialty Conference, Spokane Washington, September 26-28,1972.
Dell G. Shocley and Hyrum J. Woodword: Prepared for Presentation at ARS_SCS Workshop on Consumptive Use
Cheng, Chun-Tse (1983): Executive Yuan, R.O. C.
Zekai Obalar ( 1977): DSİ, Ankara
M. Kapıdere (1981): DSİ, Proje ve İnşaat Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara
M. Kapıdere (1981): DSİ, Proje İnşaat Dairesi, Ankara
M. Kapıdere(nd): DSİ, Proje ve İnşaat Dairesi, Ankara
- Flexible Supply Schedule Missing Link for Effective Surface Irrigation and Automation / John L. Merriam (1991) / Proceedings: Irrigation and Drainage Division
- Six Seasons of Demand Schedule Irrigation for Improved Water Management in Sri Lanka / John L. Merriam et al., ICID 13th Rabat 1987, Q.40, R.93
M. Kapıdere (1980): DSİ, Proje ve İnşaat Dairesi, Ankara
- Pipelines for Flexible Deliveries / John L. Merriam (1987) / Specialty Conference ASCE, July 28-30, 1987
Ercan Dündar (1974): DSİ, Ankara
Workshop in Eskişehir- Turkey (1992): Project TCP / TUR / 0152 (Includes seperate bounded Turkish Translation)
J. Ian Steward et al.(1973): University of California, Prepared for USBR.
Iowa State University (1974)
R.A. Young et al.(1973): Report to the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Interior
Frank S. Conklin & Wilson E. Schmisseur (1976): Oregon State University, Prepared for Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Interior
Proceedings from the 1992 National Conference (1992): US Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, October 5-7 1992, Phoenix, Arizona, pp.345.
J. Price Gittinger (1982): World Bank, EDI, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, pp 505.
Linus Schrage(1986): University of Chicago, Scientific Press, Third Edition
Robert Finley & Dean Brown(1975): Çeviren Nuri İsen, DSİ.
Turan Kızılkaya (1983): DSİ, Ankara
Turgut Sungur (1977): DSİ, Ankara
Timuçin Tümer (1975): Uluslar arası Sulama ve Drenaj Komisyonu / Türk Milli Komitesi, Ankara
Documents entered in the Irrigation Management Informatıon Network (IMIN) Database in 1988, Volume 2, Number 1.
John L. Merriam (1993): Fifteenth ICID Congress, September 1993, The Hague, The Netherlands
John L. Merriam and Charles M. Burt(1998): USCID Meeting September 14-16, 1988, San Diego, California
John L. Merriam(1990):Irrigation Department, Khargone, Madhy Pradesh, June 1990.
John L. Merriam(1992): Conference Proceeding, September 1992, pp 147-156. European Committee for Water Resource and Management, the Center for Irrigation Engineering, Katholieke Universteit, Leuven, Belgium
Grand G. Davids&John L. Merriam(1990): 14th International Congress, ICID, Rio de Janciro Brasil 199o
Don J. Wood and Carl O.A. Charles(1972): Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Hydraulic Division.
John J. Cassidy(1972): Engineering and Research Center, Bureau of Reclamation, REC-ERC-72-28
A.F. Pillsbury (nd): University of California, Los Angeles, California
Collected by Özden Bilen (nd)
Geotechnical Branch Training Manual No.7 (1981): Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Colorado
R.G. Allen(1990): Lectures Notes, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-4105
Tercüme Edenler Mahmut Yetkiner&V. Mihailof (1978): Uluslar Arası Sulama ve Drenaj Komisyonu, Türk Milli Komitesi, Teknik Rehber 04. 04-05, Ankara
Faruk Volkan(nd): DSİ Proje İnşaat Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara.
Bureau of Reclamation (1978)
Bureau of Reclamation (1973)
E.W. Kiesling & R.C. DeHart (1969): Southwest Research Institute, San Antonia, Texas.
Haluk Toprakoğlu(1974): Uluslar Arası Sulama ve Drenaj Komisyonu, Türk Milli Komitesi, Teknik Rehber 04. 02-04, Ankara
- Land Evaluation for Development / FAO (1980)
Şeref Özgül(1974): Uluslar Arası Sulama ve Drenaj Komisyonu, Türk Milli Komitesi, Teknik Rehber 04. 02-02, Ankara
Yunus Doğramacı(1975): DSİ Etüd ve Plan Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara.
Bülent Sağnak(1975): DSİ Etüd ve Plan Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara.
Abdülmesih Abidoğlu(1975): DSİ Etüd ve Plan Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara.
Topraksu Genel Müdürlüğü (1983)
M.Kapıdere & A. N. Demir (1981)
Enver Çetin & Perihan Ceylan (1986): DSİ Etüd ve Plan Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara
Asit K. Biswas(1981): ICID Bulletin, January 1981, Vol. 30, No1
Marinus G. Bos(1980): ICID Bulletin, July 1980, Vol. 29, No.2
Jose Dule Navarrete (1981): ICID Bulletin, January 1981, Vol. 30, No.1
- Integration of Socio-Economic and Engineering Perspectives in Irrigation Design / I.D. Carruthers&N.Mounthstephens / ICID Tenth Congress, R.29, Question 33
- Some Measures Affecting the Success of Land Reclamation Projects /G.E. Papadopoulos/ ICID-Special Session R.9, Varna 1972
- Some Propositions About Irrigation Project and System Management / A.F. Botrall / ICID Bulletin July 1978, Vol.27, No.2
Mınıstry of Agriculture and Forestry & ITAL-ICID (1987):On the Occasion of the XIII th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Casablanca, Morocco.
Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering (1989): Tokyo, Japan
Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering (1989): Tokyo, Japan
Journal of Irrigation Engineering and Rural Planning (1989): Special Edition, number 16, July 1989.
Japan's Agriculture Review (1984): Vol. 10, March 1984
Hiroshi Nakamichi & Yatura Senga(1989)
Design Guides: Canals and Related Structures
Bureau of Reclamation(1974): U.S. Department of Interior , Denver, Colorado.
Ethem Özsoy(1973): Uluslar Arası Sulama ve Drenaj Komisyonu, Türk Milli Komitesi, Teknik Rehber 05. 06-09, Ankara
Bureau of Reclamation(1974):U.S. Department of Interior, Denver, Colorado.
Bureau of Reclamation(1967):U.S. Department of Interior, Denver, Colorado.
- Air-Water Flow in Hydraulic Structures (198O): USBR, Enginnering Monograph No.41, pp 141
Delft Hydraulics Laboratory (1976): Publication no. 161, Delft
Bureau of Reclamation(1976): U.S. Department of Interior, Denver, Colorado.
Bureau of Reclamation(1976): U.S. Department of Interior, Denver, Colorado.
Yüksel Sayman(1976): DSİ Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dairesi Başkanlığı
- Sulama Şebekelerine Ölçülü ve Kontrollu Su Sağlayan Araçlar / DSİ Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dairesi Başkanlığı Yayın No.Hİ-642, Ankara, 1977
DSİ Proje ve İnşaat Dairesi Başkanlığı (1982)
Water and Power Development Authority Development Development Division (nd): Designs Dırectorate Publication No.3
J.A. Replogle & A. J. Clemments
John A.Replogle(1977): U.S. Water Conservation Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Arizona
T. R. Haider(1980): Water Systems Management Workshop
Yalçın Önder (nd): DSİ Proje ve İnşaat Dairesi Başkanlığı
Turgut Sungur ve Atilla Serdar (nd): DSİ Proje ve İnşaat Dairesi Başkanlığı
Kemal Teker(1966):DSİ, Ankara
- Reuse of Irrigation Water / Sadiq I.Bhuiyan (1989) / Seventh Afro-Asian Regional Conference-Tokyo
- Return Flow and Soil Salts in Two Drainage Basins / Martin Oosterveld et al.(1978) / Journal of Irrigation and Drainage ASCE, Vol.104, No IR4. December 1978, pp 361-371
- The Reuse of Drainage Water / ILRI / Annual Report 1982, Wageningen, Netherlands, pp 9-22
- Examination of Models of Irrigation Return Water in Syrdarya River Basin / ICID Bulletin, July 1981, Vol 30 No.2
Flumes /Canalette (Kanaletler)
DSİ Teknik Araştırma ve Kalite Kontrol Dairesi Başkanlığı (1990): Yayın No.MLZ-783
DSİ Teknik Araştırma ve Kalite Kontrol Dairesi Başkanlığı (1991): Yayın No.MLZ-800
DSİ Proje İnşaat Daire Başkanlığı (1984)
Faruk Volkan( nd): DSI Department of Design and Construction, Ankara
Turgut Akgül & Mevlut Aydın (nd): DSİ Proje ve İnşaat Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara.
Soil Problems and Solutions for Irrigation Canals (Sulama Kanallarında Zemin problemleri ve Çözümler)
Ali Uğurlu (1993): DSİ Teknik Araştırma ve Kalite Kontrol Daire Başkanlığı, Yayın No. MLZ-837, Ankara
DSİ Teknik Araştırma Ve Kalite Kontrol Daire Başkanlığı (1989)
Gerald J.Gromko(1974): Journal of Geotechnical Enginneering Division
Wesley G. Holts & Harold J. Gibbs: ASCE Paper No.2814
- Şanlıurfa HEPP Main Outlet Canal: Report for rehabilitation of clayey sections and Results of Stability Analysis-Structural Computation (1991)
- GAP Sulaması Harran Ovası IV. Kısım Kanalları Jeoteknik Raporu
- GAP Sulaması Harran Ovası IV. Kısım Kanalları: Şişen Killerde Kanal Kaplaması Altında Alınacak Tedbirlere Ait Mukayeseli Maliyet Araştırması
- Kil Zeminlerde Açılan Kanallarda Yapılacak Jeoteknik Çalışmalar ve Urfa Tüneli Ana İsale Kanalı Pressiometer Deney Sonuçları
- Bozulmuş ve Bozulmamış Numuneler Üzerinde Yapılan Deney Sonuçları
- İTÜ Jeoteknik Raporu
Pumped Irrigation and Drainage Systems (Pompa İçeren Sulama ve Drenaj Sistemleri)
Hasan Erke(1976): DSİ Etüd ve Plan Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara
Ahmet Çalışan (nd): DSİ Proje İnşaat Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara
Ahmet Çalışan (nd): DSİ Proje İnşaat Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara
Question 32 covers several papers concerning Practical Design Aspects of Pumped Irrigation Systems
Agricultural Land Department of Niigata Prefecture
USBR(1978): Denver, Colorado
M. Kapıdere(1987): DSİ Etüd ve Plan Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara
M.Kapıdere(1986): DSİ Etüd ve Plan Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara
Regulation and Conrol of Water in Irrigation Canals and Improving the Operation of Irrigation Systems
Hervé Plusquellec(1988): The Economic Development Institute of the World Bank, Washington, D.C. 20433.
Jean Goussard (1987): Proceedings of a Symposium, Planning Operation, Rehabilitation and Automation of Irrigation Water delivery Systems, Portland Oregon July 28-30 1987
D. B. Kraats&I.K Mahajan(1982): Bulletin FAO D'Irrigation Et De Drainage 26/1, Rome
Alsthom Fluides /France & Mecanica Peseda /Presil (1987)
Alsthom Fluides (1978): Nairobi Conference, Kenya, October 1978
CEMAGREF-IIMI (1992): International Workshop on Application of Mathematical Modelling for the Improvement of Irrigation Canal Operation, October 26-30 1992, Montpellier, France, pp 335.
Willem F. Flotman and Hector M. Melano (1987): International IrrigationCenter, Utah State University, pp 331.
C.P. Buyalski et al.(1991): USBR, Denver Office, First Edition 1991, pp 113.
K. Mahmood and V. Yevjevich (1975): Water Resources Publications, Fort Collins, Colorado 80522, USA
Content Includes Canal Automation
- Irrigation Water Delivery for Equity Between Users
- Computer Control for Irrigation-Canal System
- Procudure to Select an Optimum Irrigation Method
- Feedback Control of Irrigation Canal Systems / Using the Harder- Smith Control Algorithm
- Water Systems Management
- Earth Construction Practices
- Drainage of Irrigated Lands
- Delivery System Schedules and Required Capacities
- Irrigation Water Management with Rotation Scheduling Policies
- Arranged Delivery Schedules
- Demand Irrigation Schedules
- Structuring Distribution Agencies for Irrigation Water Delivery
- Overview of Canal Control Concepts
- Neyrtec Automatic Equipment for Irrigation Canals
- Controlled- Leak Methods for Water Level Control
- Automated Water Control
- Philosophy and Implementation of Gate Stroking
- Dynamic Regulation of Canal de Provence
- Selection of Appropriate Technology in Irrigation Canal Systems
- Implementation and Management of High Technology Irrigation Systems
- Instrumentation: Canal de Provence
- Instrumentatation for Automated Irrigation Systems
- Data and Control of Communication Methods for Delivery System Operations
- Financing Options for the Operation, Rehabilitation, and Automation of Irrigation Water Delivery Systems
- Economic Analysis of Irrigation Rehabilitation Projects
- The Case Studies: 1.Sudan the Blue Nile Pump Schemes Rehabilitation Project,
- The Case Studies: 2. Peru Irrigation Rehabilitation Project,
- The Case Studies: 3. Greece East Vermion Rehabilitation and Modernization Project
- The Case Studies: 4. India Upper Ganga Irrigation Modernization Project
- Bival Sstem for Downstream Control
- Canal Automation System Using the Electronic Filter Level Offset (EL_FLO) Method
F.Volkan & Atilla Ataç (1991): DSİ Proje İnşaat Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara
F.Volkan & Atilla Ataç (1992): DSİ Proje İnşaat Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara
Sumer GAP Sulamaları Mühendislik Hizmetleri Ortaklığı / Suiş- Setan- Su Yapı-Merkez-Er (1992): DSİ Proje İnşaat Daire Başkanlığı, Mart 1992
Sumer GAP Sulamaları Mühendislik Hizmetleri Ortaklığı / Suiş- Setan- Su Yapı-Merkez-Er (1992): DSİ Proje İnşaat Daire Başkanlığı, Mart 1992
F. Volkan & A. Ataç (1990): DSİ Design&Construction Department
Daniel Rogier et al.,(1987): Presented at a Symposium organized by American Society of Civil Engineers, Portland Oregon, July 1987
Daniel Rogier et al. (1987):Presented at a Symposium organized by American Society of Civil Engineers, Portland Oregon, July 1987
O. Ünver & B. Voron (1993): Water International, 18 (1993) 157-165
Y. Karataban (1992): Müşavir Mühendis
ASELSAN (1993) : Sistem Mühendislik (otomasyon) Müdürlüğü / Mikrodalga ve Sistem Teknolojileri Grubu 16/11/93.
L. Eyüboğlu (1992): DSİ Proje ve İnşaat Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara.
F. Volkan (1992): DSİ Proje ve İnşaat Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara
Aly N. El-Bahrawy et al. (nd): Hydraulics Advisor, Integrated Soil and Water Improvement Project (ISAWIP), Mansoura, Egypt
Ş. Bekişoğlu, A.R. Key and S.N. Suter (1994): GAP-Mom Project Discussion Paper No 20
Derek Byerlee & Gary E. Alex (1998): The World Bank Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Drainage (Tarımsal Drenaj)
Walter J. Ochs and Bishay G. Bishay (1992): World Bank Technical Paper Number 195, Washington D.C., pp 187.
David W. Rycroft(1995): FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 51, Rome, Italy, pp 134
International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (1973) : Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1973, pp 374
International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (1973) : Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1973, pp 368
US Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation (1978): US Government Printing House, Denver, Colorado, pp 286.
Proceedings of National Conference on Agricultural Drainage (1993): MANCİD, Malaka Malaysia, 9-12 February, 1993
Gifford E. Rogers (1973): Consortium / Su İş Consultants, Tahal Engineering Consultans- Seyhan Project, pp 605
Naili Özer(1984): DSİ Matbaası, Ankara pp 46.
Turan Kızılkaya(1983): DSİ Matbaası, Ankara, pp 62.
Mustafa Haznedar(1981): DSİ Proje ve İnşaat Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara
Masura Toyota(1989): Irrigation Engineering and Rural Planning No. 16
Columbia Basin Project Manager (1976): Ephratata, Washington
R.E. Brohl (1971): Presented at the 1971 Annual Meeting of American Society of Agricultural Enginners, Washington State University, Pulman Washington, June 27-30, 1971
Jack Christopher and Keith Cambell (1980): USBR, Denver, Colorado
F.Homma (1968): International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
John Monteith& Philip M. Myers (1968): Ephrata, Washington
Lee D. Dumm(1962): ARS-SCS Drainage Workshop, Riverside, California
Publications of Water and Land Management Institute / Aurangabad (Maharashtra) India - Su ve Arazi Yönetim Enstitüsü Yayınları, Maharasthra, India
Water and Land Management Institute(1985): Proceedings, Aurangangabad, (Maharashtra), 22nd and 23rd Nov.1985.
Water and Land Management Institute(1985): Publication No.11 Aurangangabad, (Maharashtra), India, September.23-October ,1985.
Water and Land Management Institute(1989): Publication No.38, Aurangangabad, (Maharashtra), India, March 1989.
Water and Land Management Institute(1992): Publication No.34, Aurangangabad, (Maharashtra), India, September 1992
Water and Land Management Institute(1994): Publication No.48, Aurangangabad, (Maharashtra), India, February 1994
Water and Land Management Institute(1994): Publication No.51, Aurangangabad, (Maharashtra), India, March 1994
Water and Land Management Institute(1989): Publication No.37, Aurangangabad, (Maharashtra), India, February 1989
Water and Land Management Institute(1988): Publication No.31, Aurangangabad, (Maharashtra), India, May 1988
Water and Land Management Institute(1992): Publication No.30, Aurangangabad, (Maharashtra), India, August 1992
Proceedings of International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID)
Discussed Questions 27, 28, 29
- Field irrigation and drainage in deltaic, coastal and low-lying areas
- Recent and promising developments including mechanization of operations in the field of irrigation and drainage
- Factors affecting river training and flood plan regulation (including flood zoning)
Discussed Questions 30, 31, 32
- Sediment controlling intake structures (30)
- Planning of development of ground water for irrigation(31)
- Comparison of advanced methods of irrigation including development of irrigation by pumping (32)
Congress Theme: Improving Water Management in Developing Countries / Discussed Questions 40, 41
- Rehabilitation and modernization of existing irrigation and drainage systems (40)
- Improving water management through training (41)
Conference Theme: Planning and Management of Water for Agriculture and Rural Development in Humid and Semi-Arid Areas
- Topic A: International Cooperation for Development in Irrigation and Drainage
- Topic B: Planning of Water Resources Development
- Topic C: Management and Control of Water (ırrigation)
- Topic D: Management and Control of Water (Drainage and Flood Control)
- Topic E: Rural Development Strategies for Afro-Asian Contries
- December 1981: Energy and water conservation strategies in irrigated agriculture, Declining block rates can encourage water conservation, Statistical analysis of hydrological droughts, ….
- September 1983: Multiobjective analysis of irrigating planning in river basin development, Wind-mills for small scale irrigation, The Policy Delphi and public involment problems,….
- December 1983: Choosing the Optimal Water Conservation Policy, Reducing Water Demand and Waste Water Demand and Waste Water Flow ,….
- March 1984: Water Resources in China/Progress and prospects,….
- June 1984: Implications of drought for water resources projects in Avustralia, Drought and desertification : aglobal reviev,….
- December 1984: Water pricing research need, Watershed responses to conservation measures,….
- September 1984: Desertification and the Third World: Precription for change, Continuing evolution of an Avustrulian water resorces policy, A Land-use policy based on water supply,...
- March 1985: Water resource adequacy/illusion and reality, Low pessure irrigation-new problems and solutions,Economic results of simulated change in Pakitan's irrigation system,
- June 1985: Climatic change and its effects on water resources,…..
- September 1985: Non-conventiational water resorces -Economics and experiencies in developing countries,Microcomputer programs for designing water systems, Waste water re-use,….
- December 1985: Development of earth satelite technology for telemetry of hydraologic data, Pakitan's Tarbela Dam Project: A mathematical model for sedimentation planning,…
- March 1986: Hydropower in Chine, Exporting water / the costs and benefits,…
- June 1986: Water transfer in Chine, Management of river and resevoir sedimentation in Pakistan, Irrigation / WHO gives guidance on project planning,…
- September 1986: Water transfer the Grand North American debate, An application of mathematical programming in planning surface storage, Wtland ecosystem studies from hydrologic perspective,….
- December 1986: Multiobjective assessment of multiporpose water resources projects for developing countries, Groundwater Dams for rural supplies, Identifying hydro resources with enhanced atellite imagery,…
- March 1987: Australian guidelines on design floods for dams; Trends in third World hydro development, Environmental implications of water resources projects, Flood estimates,…..
- June 1987: Hydro and environment/evaluating the tradeoffs, Application of EIA to water resources projects, Flood management, Flood forcasting,….
- September 1987: The dominance of the internal rate of return as a planning criterion, Urban water pricing and drought management, Solar energy for pumping water, Artifical recharge of grounwater,…
- December 1987: Water tariff as a policy instrument for better management of water resources in irrigation, Study of water transportation to Saudi Arabia, Water resources management /the socio political context, Computers and water resources education: a projection,....
- March 1988: Effects of large scale affrostation on Tawera River Flows, Study support for solar -pump supplies,..
- June 1988: Hydro development on international rivers, Water for all - who pays?,…
- September 1988: Assessing of irrigation on stream flow; Trends in irrigation developments,….
- December 1988: Flood Warning gives new role to United States Arrmy Corps; the Global Energy and Water cycle Experiment (GEWEX), Alternative strategies for stormwater detention,…
- March 1989: improving canal deliveries with auxilary storage; Goals and data colection designs for water quality motoring, ...
- June 1989: Determination of flood control volumes in a multi reservoir system, The 1988 floods in Bengladesh,…
- September 1989: UNDP-WORLD Bank- Regional water andsanitation groups/ A new approach to sector development, Greenhouse effect and climate change,….
- December 1989: Stochastic-Deterministic nature of an elemental rainfall runoff process, ….
- March1990: Economic framework for flood and sediment control with detension basins, Rethinking flood-conrol channel design, Manegement of Murray Darling Basin of Australia,….
- June 1990: Annual Review of Damage Caused by Floods, Drought an Tropical Cyclones
- September 1990: Valuing irrigation water in Punjab provinve, Pakistan / A linear programming, Recharging ground water, ….
- December 1990: Farmer Participitation, Solar pumps in rural water supply,…
- March 1991: Photovoltaics for Pumping Water,…..
- June 1991: WMO/UNESCO Report on Water Resources Assessment, ..
- September 1991: Integrated approch to flood disaster management and rural development, Water resources management in smal island countries: cost recovery and demand management,….
- December 1991:Drought Plannning,….
- March 1992: Impacts of agriculture on water quality, Reability improvement for water distrubution networks through increasing pipe size,…
- June 1992: Capacity building for water resources management, Desalination technology, Conjunctive water use to control water logging and salizination,…
- September 1992: World survey on environmental management practice, Managing water for economic, environment, and human health, Considerations of scale in water quality monitoring and data analysis,…
- December 1992: Estimating urban residental water demand : Effects of price structure, conservation and education, Optimal design of river powerplants, Research/ Aplication of sistem engineering to water resorces systems,.
- September 1993: Creating economic incentives for conservation, Drought management, Water demand monitoring,…
- June 1993: Seasonal river runoff calculatedfrom global atmospheric model, Using irrigation systems in India to develop small hydroplants, Tunnelling for hydropower projects,…
- March 1993: Water quality monitoring network design: a problem of multi-objective decision making, Optimum operation of a multiple resevoir system,...
Operation, Maintenance, and Management of Irrigation Systems ( Sulama Sistemlerinin İşletme, Bakım ve Yönetimi)
The World Bank (1996): The Economic Development Institute of the World Bank, March 1996, pp 57
The World Bank (1995): Seminar organized by the The Economic Development Institute of the World Bank,and Comision Nacional del Agua de México, Mexico, 8-15 February, 1995.
Ministry of Water Resources (1995): New Delhi, 19-23 June 1995, pp 419.
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