Orsam Water Resources Programme |
Ortadoğu'yu Anlamak: Ortadoğu'nun Siyasal, Sosyal ve Ekonomik Yapılanmasının Tarihsel Arka Planına İlişkin Bazı Kitaplar
David Fromkin (1990): Avon Books, New York
David Fromkin (1990):Sabah Kitapları, Üçüncü Baskı-1994 İstanbul. (Çeviren/ Mehmet Harmancı, Özgün Adı / A Peace to End All Peace)
Margaret MacMillan (2001): ODTÜ Yayıncılık, 2004, Ankara. (Çeviren/Belkıs Dişbudak, Özgün Adı / Peacemakers: The Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and Its Attempt to End War)
Lowell Thomas: Popular Library, New York, Ned L. Pines. President- Frank P. Lualdi. Publisher. Popular Library Edition Published in September 1961, Copyright 1924
T.E. Lawrence (1922): ©Copyright 2008–BN Publishing, Printed in the U.S. A.
Janet Wallach (1996): Nan A. Talese, Doubleday, New York
Basıma Hazırlayan / Ergun Göze (1995): Boğaziçi Yayınları-Hatıra, Birinci Baskı Eylül 1995, İstanbul
Falih Rıfkı Atay (1932): Bateş A.Ş. İstanbul 1981
David K. Shipler (1987): Penguin Books
Peter Mansfield (1990): Penguin Books
Daniel Pipes (1990): Oxford University Press
Peter W. Galbraith (2006): Doğan Kitap (Çeviren / Mehmet Murat İnceayan, Özgün Adı / End of Iraq)
Henry Kissinger (2004): ODTÜ Yayıncılık, (Çeviren/Beyza Sümer Aydaş, Özgün Adı / Crisis: The Anatomy of Two Major Foreign Policy Crises)
Henry Kissinger (1998): Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları (Çeviren / İbrahim H. KURT, Özgün Adı / Diplomacy)
Gibert Sinoué (1999): Doğan Kitapçılık A.Ş. (Çeviren / Ali Cevat Akkoyunlu, Özgün Adı / Le Dernier Pharaon)
Lord Kinross (1979): First Morrow Quill Paperback Edition
Roger Owen (1993): I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd Publishers London • New York
Oystein Noreng (1997): Sabah Kitapları 87, Çağdaş Bakış Dizisi 20. (Çeviren / Dilek Başak, Özgün Adı / Oil and Islam)
Oystein Noreng (2004): Elips Kitap /33, (Çeviren:Nurgül Durmuş, Özgün Adı / Crude Power Politics and the Oil Markets)
Daniel Yergin (1999): Türkiye İş Bankası A.Ş. Kültür Yayınları 332/37, (Çeviren / Kamuran Tuncay, Özgün Adı / The Prize, The epic Quest for Oil, Money, Power)
Matthew Smith Anderson (2010):YKY Yayınları 2. Baskı (Çeviren İdil Eser, Özgün Adı / Eastern Question 1774-1923)
Colin S. Gray-Geoffrey Sloan (2003): ASAM Yayınları
John Bulloch & Adel Derviş (1994): Altın Kitaplar (Türkçesi Mehmet Harmancı, Özgün Adı / Water Wars), İstanbul pp 176
Catherine Nicault (2001): İletişim Yayınları (Çeviren Estreya Seval Vali / Özgün Adı / Jerusalem 1850-1948)
Stephan M. Walt-John J. Mearshemier (2006): Profil Yayınları (Çeviren Elif Ocak / Özgün Adı: Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy)
Ali Naci Karacan (1993): Bilgi Yayınevi, Üçüncü Basım.
James E. Dougherty & Robert L. Pfaltzgraff: HarperCollinsPublishers
Paul Kennedy(1989): Vintage Books, New York
Samuel P. Huntington (1997): Touchstone Edition, New York
Halil İnalcık (2006): Eren Yayıncılık, İstanbul
Franco Cardini (2004): Literatür Yayınları, İstanbul
Peter Mansfield / Nicolas Pelham’ın Katkısıyla (2010): Say Yayınları, İstanbul, s. 663
- Where Adam and Eve Lived
- Mystic Nedjef, The Shia Mecca
- Impressions of Asiatic Turkey
Ortadoğu Su Sorunlarının Teknik ve Hidropolitik Değerlendirmelerine İlişkin Bazı Kitap, Makale, Rapor ve Analizler
Vahé J. Sevian (1949): Economic Utilization and Development of the Water Resources of the Euphrates and Tigris, Volume IV, Water Resources, pp.148-158
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Georgetown University, Washington DC
Papers presented at the Conference
- Raj Kirshna: The Nile River Basin
- Meir Ben-Meir: Water Shortage in the Middle East and Ensuing Policy in the Region
- Selig A. Tauben Blatt: The Jordan River Basin Dilemma: A Challenge for the 1990's
- Munther J. Haddadin: Water Resources Management Program in Jordan
- Ewan W. Anderson: Water Geopolitics in the Middle East:The Key Countries
Joyce R. Starr and C. Stoll (1987): The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington D.C., December 1987
• Proceedings of the Conference
Reports presented for roundtable discussions by participants
Several papers presented at the Conference
- Peter Beaumont: Transboundary Water Disputes in the Middle East
- Gerhart Hafner: Application of the Optimum Utilization Principle to the Euphrates and Tigris Drainage Basin
- Dante A. Caponera: Legal and Instituonal Concepts of Cooperation
- Henri Smets: Consultation on Projects with Transboundary Impacts
- Ewan W. Anderson: A Cooperation Model for the Tigris- Euphtates Basin / The Basic Elements
- Özden Bilen: Comments on the Hydropolitics of Nile, Jordan and Euphrates-Tigris Basin (DOC)
U.S. Army Corps of Enginers, June 1991
Proceedings of the Syposium 27th and 28th October 1991/ Organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Higher Council for Science and Technology, Amman,University of Jordan, Published 1992
- Mu'taaz Bilbeisi: Jordan's Water Resorces and Expected domestic demand by the years 2000 and 2010, detailed according to area
- Mohammed Bani-Hani:Irrigated agriculture in Jordan
- Peter Udluft and Hazim El-Naser: Some Aspects of modern alternatives and principles of water resources use
- J. W. Lloyd: Deep aquifers and Impact of their exploitation
- Boulos Kefaye: Meeting the needs of a growing population
- Maher F. Abu-Taleb,Jonathan P. Deason, Elias Salameh and Berrand Maraeschel : Multiobjective decision support for water resources planning
- Elias Salameh: The Jordan River system
- Thomas Naff: Water scarcity, resource management, and conflict
- Elias Salameh: Summary and recommendations
Papers presented before the workshop
- Özden Bilen: Comments on the Hydropolitics of Nile, Jordan and Euphrates-Tigris Basin (PDF)
- Jawad Anani : Ideas for Water Cooperation
- John Kolars : Fine Tuning the Future Euphrates-Tigris System
- Hillel I. Shuval : Prospects for Cooperative Water Management Between Israel and the Palestinians on the Shared Groundwaters of the Mountain Aquifer and Gaza
- Rami S. Abdulhadi : Water Resources for the State of Palestine
- Shawki Barghouti: Water Resources in the Middle East / An Agenda for Regional Cooperation
- Joyce R. Starr: Middle East Water Security Framework Historic Opportunity for Regional Stability and Sustainable Development
Aaron Wolf (1993): Water International 18(1993) 5-17, IWRA.
Shiffler(1993): German Development Institute (DEI)
John Kolars(1992): Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Special Issue, 1992
Proceedings of the First Israili-Palestinian International Academic Conference on Water, Zurich Switzerland, held at at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology--Zurich (ETH), December 10-13, 1992, Edited by J. Isaac and H. Shuval. Elsevier Science B.V. Amsterdam The Netherlands, pp.529
Papers Presented at University of Waterloo Conference, May 8-9 1992
Proceedings of Meeting, May 13-14/15, 1992 Vienna
Special reports prepared by Israeli and Jordan Delegation to the Working Group on Water:
- Methods of Enhancing the availabilty of Water Resources Information presented by Israeli Delegation
- Enhancing Water Supply presented by the Jordan Delagation
- Enhancament of Data Availability presented by the Jordan Delegation
Proceedings of Meeting, September 15-16,1992, Washington
Proceedings of Meeting, April 27th-29th, 1993 Geneva:
Special reports prepared in response to a request from the Multilateral Working Group on Water to the Middle East Peace Initiative
- Major Water Transfers in Spain Technical And Institutional Aspects, Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Geneva, April 2'7-29
- Canadian Experience in Interjurisdictional Water Resources Management
- Gains that might be made from water conservation in the Middle East: The report prepared by the staff of the World Bank, Washington D.C,
Proceedings of Meeting, November 7-9, 1994 Athens Greece
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A., October 24-27, 1993
International Water Engineering Centre (IWEC)-University of Ottowa, March 1993. Volume I Appendix A: Summaries of Different Technologies and Applications, Volume II Appendix B: Bibliography (354 p)
Nurit Kliot (1994): Routledge, London and New York 1994, pp. 309
USGS Middle East Water Data Banks Project, 1998
John Waterbury (1979): Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New York, pp.302.
Proceedings of Nile 2002 Conference, February 1-6, Aswan Egypt
Aaron T. Wolf (1995): United Nations University Press, Tokyo-New York-Paris,pp.272.
Asit K. Biswas; John Kolars, Masahiro Murakami, Jon Waterbury; Aaron Wolf.(1997):Oxford University Press, pp.160
Edited by Lenore G. Martin (1999): St.Martin' Press- New York, pp.279
Scheumann, Schiffler (Eds.) (1998): Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp.190.
John F. Kolars; William A. Mitchell (1991): Southern Illinois University, pp.324.
Edited by Ali İhsan Bağış, Hacettepe University, Ankara and Friedrich-Nauman-Foundation, 1994
- Özden Bilen: A Technical Perspective on the Euphrates and Tigris Basin (PDF)
Natasha Beschorner, Adelphi Paper-273,1993
Green Cross International, March 2000
Tahal Consulting Engineers Ltd., 1990
Tahal Consulting Engineers Ltd., Inter Regional Syposium on Improved Efficiency in the Management of Water Resorces, January 1987
Zvi Grinwald, Ministry of Agriculture-Water Commission/water Allocation Department, Hakirya- Tel-Aviv, 1989
Mekorot Water Company Ltd., Tel Aviv, 1987
International Committee of the Red Cross, Montreux, 21-23 November 1994 Report
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Volume 20 Number 1, 1997 Special Issue: Water Conflict Part One The Middle East.
Mehmet Yılmaz (2003): Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California
Boaz Wachtel and Alon Liel, nd.
Edited by J.A. Allan(1996): Tauris Academic Studies, I.B. Tauris Publishers London-New York pp.250.
Samir Salha(1995): Dış Politika Enstitüsü-Hacettepe Üniversitesi-Ankara
Compiled by The Middle East Water Information Network, Osage Press, 1996
Organized by The Euro-Arab Center and the Arab League, Cairo, February 21-22-23, 2000
Reports presented:
- Mona M. El-Kady: International laws applied to rivers-the countries where they rise and the countries they cross-Egypt
- Arab Ministers of Interior Council: The Arab Waters and the Security Challenge
- Abdul-Azim Hammad: Arab Waters Security and Egypt's Role in the Nile-Egypt
- Ahmad Saleh Ahmad: Arab Waters Security and the Optimal Utilization of the Nile's Waters and Their Distribution Between the Countries Bordering its Basin-Sudan
- Adullah Al-Sayed: Water Challenges and Their Strategic Dimension- Mauuritania
- Zaki Hanouch:The Turkish Projects Related to Waters and Their Repercussions on Syria-Syria
- Louai Khaırallah: The Turkish Projects and Their Ascendancy on Iraq
- Nayef Al-Rashidi: The Waters Conflict in the Middle East-King Faysal Center for Islamic Researches and Studies
- Marwan Hadad: Waters and Israeli Palestinian Conflict Israils' Cupudity on Palestinian Waters-Palestinian
- Nasser Nasrallah: Lebanese Waters and Israeli Ambitions
- Mahmoud Elkady: Arab Waters and their Importance in the Sea-Born Trade-Saudi Arabia
- Abdul Majid Al-Kaoud: Arab Waters and Importance of Experimental Great Artificial River - Libya
- Hessa Abdül-Aziz Al Moubarak: Arab Waters and De-Salting Projects: Saudi Pattern
- Marie-Héléne Aubert (Member of French Parliament): The International Treaty for the Environmental Protection of Waters
- Omar Salem: Arab Waters and the Responsibility of Protection Against Pollution-Libya
- Ali Fotlan: The Industrial Activities Repercussions on Arab Waters- The Case of Morocco
- Ahmed Fekairi: The Means Used in Water Purufication & The Importance of its Recycling- Algeria
- Abasghohli Jahani: Water Management Prospect in The Islamic Republic of Iran in the 21th Century
- Patrick Ribau: The Arabs and the Future of the Multi Negotations Concerning the Waters of the Middle East
- Fathy Abou Radi: Arab Waters and their Role in Treating Desertification-Lebanon
- Ahmad Rıfat: The Economic Free Zone and the Arab Interests-Egypt
- Mostofa Kamal Tolba: Middle East Water Issues / Action and Political Will
- Aaron T.Wolf : A Hydropolitical History of the Nile, Jordan and Euphrates River Basins
- John Kolars: Problems of International River Management / The Case of the Euprates
- Özden Bilen: Prospects for Technical Cooperation in the Euphrates-Tigris Basin (PDF)
- Masahiro Murakami and Katsumi Musiake: The Jordan River and Litani
- Yahia Abdel Mageed: The Nile Basin
- Asit K. Biswas: Management of International Water Resources /Some Recent Development
Thomas Naff (1991): WB International Workshop, June 24-28, 1991
Tarek Al-Majzoup (1993): Centre for Arab Unity Studies "Seminar on the Arabs and Turks: A Dialogue on the Future" 15-18 November, 1993 Beirut-Lebanon
Tariq Harran (1973): Ministry of Irrigation-DG of Soils and Land Reclamation
Arab League General Secretariat, Resolution of the League's Council No.5183-D.A. (97) dated 29/4/1992
Ali İhsan Bağış: Water Resources Development, Volume 13. No 4, 567-581, 1997
Mamdouh Shahin(1989): Water International, 14 (1989) 206-219
Abdullah Arar(1993): Middle East Water Forum Cairo, Egypt
Rami S. Abdulhadi (nd): Center for Enginering and Planning
Jamal Jamaledin (nd): Expert Consultation on National Water Policy Reform in the Near East, Ministry of Irrigation, Damascus
Papers in Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Special Issue, 1992.
George E. Gruen (1993): Emory University, Atlanta, May 16-17 1993
George E. Gruen (1991): A Simon Wiesenthal Center Report (SWC)
Remarks by George E. Grunen (1992): Assembly of the Turkish American Associations 13th Annual Convention, New York, June 5,1992
Meir Ben Meir (nd): Lyn P. Meyerhoff Conference of the Jeanne Kirkpatrick Forum, Tel Aviv University
Muserref Yetim (2002) : Water Policy 4 (2002) pp. 305-321
David Wishart (1989): Middle East Review Summer 1989 pp.45-53
UNEP (2001): Early Warning and Assesment Technical Report UNEP/DEWA/TR.01-3
M.L. Kavvas and Associates ve SUMER (2002-2004)
Edited by Naser I. Faruqui et.al (2001): United Nations University Press-International Development Research Center
Proceedings of Conference on Transboundary Waters and Turkey, February, 2009- İstanbul
Su Vakfı (2004): 22 Mart Dünya Su Günü Paneli
Neşet Akmandor (1994) : Symposium on Water Problems in the Middle East, TESAV, 4 June 1994
Annex II: Water related Matters
Peter Beaumont (1997): Water Resources Development, Vol. 13, No. 3 415-424, 1997 Carfax Publishing Ltd.
Alwyn R. Rouyer (1997): Survival, vol.39 no.2, Summer 1997, pp 57-81
Applications of Multicriteria Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Workshop organized by NATO Scientific and Environmental Programs May 23-26, 1999 Amman-Jordan
Papers presented at the Conference
- Irene L. Murphy: Decision Support Sytems for Optimal Water Resource System-Using the Internet Now Rather Than Later
- Khaled M. Abu-Zeid: Decision Support Sytems for Impact Assessment of Water Strategies
- Presentation Outline: Applying the Decision Support System for Optimizing Water Movement, the Case of King Abdullah Canal in the Jordan Valley
- Özden Bilen: Water Allocation and Concept of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (DOC)
John Buchanon et.al 24 january, 1999
G.Rossi (1997): 7. Regional Meeting of Arab IHP Committee Rabat,Morocco, 8-12 September 1997
Maher F. Abu-Taleb,Bertrand Mareschal (1995): European Journal of Operational Research 0377-2217/95
J.W.Moore (1994): Directorate of Strategic Analysis, National Defence Headquarters, Ottova, Ontario Canada
B.Al-Kloub and T.T. Al-Shemmeri (nd)
Daniel P. Loucks (Journal of Water Resorces Planning and Management, Vol.118 No 3,May/june 1992
H. Raman et. al (1992): Journal of Irrigation Engineering Vol 118 March/ April 1992
Desalination in the Middle East
Middle East Multilateral Working Group on Water Resources, April 1994, Sultanate of Oman
Presented by the Commission of the Eurepean Communities, Directorate General for External Relations, Middle East Multilateral Working Group on Water Resorces March 1993
Middle East Multilateral Working Group on Water Resorces April 27, 1993
Masahiro Murakami and Katsumi Musiake (1991): International Seminar on Effective Water Use, IWRA, Mexico October 1991
Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, Kuwait, November 4-8,1989
Bernt Ericsson and Bengt Hallmans (1985): Desalination, 55 (1985) 441-459, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V, Amsterdam
Masahiro Murakami (1993):Paper submitted to the advanced course of Water Resources Planning at Graduate School of the University of the Tokyo
Nile Basin
Scot E. Smith (1986): Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 112, No.4, October 1986, ASCE, pp 551-561
Hussein M. Fahim (1981): Pergamon Press Inc.(Pergamon Policy Studies on International Development)/Human Perspective on the Dam-pp 43-83
Gilbert F.White, Environment, Vol.30, No.7, September 1988
Hussein M. Fahim (1993): University of Utah Press 1983, Salt Lake City
Dale Whittington and Elizabeth McClelland (1992): Water International, 17(1992) 144-154 © IWRA.
Published by The Research Institute for Ground Water, Cairo, 5-9 October, 1991
M.Fahmy Hussein; et.al (nd)
- Terms of Reference of the Nile River Basin Development Fact- Finding Mission, Addis Ababa, 9-10 January 1989
- Report of the Workshop on the Nile Basin, Integrated Development Fact Finding Mission Draft Report-Addis Ababa, 23 to 26 October 1989
- Report of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Tecnical Committee: Hydromet Survey Project, 5-8 February 1989, Kampala Uganda
M.A. Abu-Zeid and M.A. Rady (1991): Comprehensive Water Resorces Management/Policy Workshop, The World Bank,Washington DC June 24-28 1991
E.A.A. Zaki (1991): Comprehensive Water Resorces Management Policy Workshop, The World Bank,Washington DC June 24-28 1991
Y.A. Mageed (1993): Middle East Water Forum, Cairo 7-9 February, 1993, UNU/UNEPIWRA
Abdel Fatah Metawie ( 2004): 4th. Biennial Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy, 7-8 September 2004, Bilkent University, Ankara
Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat, June 2003.
Proceedings of VIII IWRA World Congress on Water Resources: Cairo, Egypt, November 21-25, 1994 (Volume I,II, III)
J.H. Assen (1986): Land + Water International 58/1986, A Netherlands Review on Hydraulic Enginnering and Rural Development, pp 3-11.
SAM (1996): Center for Strategic Research, Ankara, pp 24
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1996): Department of Regional and Transboundary Waters, June 1996, Ankara, pp 102
Dışişleri Bakanlığı (1996): Bölgesel ve Sınıraşan Sular Daire Başkanlığı, Haziran 1996, Ankara, pp 99
G.J. Koopman et al. (1969): Seventh Congress of ICID, Question 23, R.21, Mexico City, Mexico
Peter Beaumont (1996): Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Conflict and Environment, Norway, 1-16 June 1996
Peter Beaumont (1996): Applied Geography, Vol. 16, No.2, pp 137-157, 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
A. İdil Esin (2004): Basın Yayın ve Enformasyon Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 14 Ocak 2004, pp 169
World Bank (1993): Paper Prepared at the Request of the Multilateral Working Group on Regional Economic Development, October 1993
UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs (1994) : Cooperation Programme, 1 April 1993- 31 March 1994
Amikam Nachmani (1995): Regional Security Regimes: Israel and its Neighbors, Albany, the State University Press of New York, 1995, chapter 10, pp 231-51.
Ferruh Anık (nd): Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hidropolitik ve Stratejik Değerlendirme, Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezinde verilen ders notları
ICOLD (2005): Committee on Shared Rivers (Includes Comments On the Report prepared by Ö. Bilen)
Ayna (1993): Su Özel Sayısı
Several Papers Concerning Middle East Water Issues Published in the Official Journal of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA)
- Masahiro Murakami et.al : Technopolitical Alternative Strategies in Interstate Regional Development of the Jordan Rift Valley Beyond the Peace
- Terence J. Downey and Bruce Mitchel: Middle East Water- Acute or Cronic Problem?
- Mikhail Wakil: Analysis of Water Needs for Different Sectors in Syria
- Ulrich Küffner: Water Transfer and Distribution Schemes
- David B.Brooks: Adjusting the Flow-Two Comments on the Middle East Water Crisis
- Hisham Zarour and Jad Isaac: Nature's Apportionment and the Open Market- A Promising Solution to the Arab-Israeli Water Conflict
- Discussion by Walid A. Abdurrahman of the artıcle entitled " Approaches to Resolving the Water Conflicts between Israel and her Neighbors-a Regional Water-for-Peace Plan" by Hilel I. Shuval, Water International Volume 17 No.3.
- Migel Solanes: Legal and Institutional Aspects of River Basin Development
- Radwan Al-Mubarak Al-Weshah: Jordan's Water Resources-Technical Perspective
- Hillel I.Shuval: Approaches to Resolving the Water Conflicts between Israel and her Neighbors-a Regional Water-for-Peace Plan
- Dale Whittington and Elizabeth McClelland: Opportunities for Regional and International Cooperation in the Nile Basin
- Middle East Water Commission: Observations Regarding Water Sharing and Management: An Intensive Analysis of the Jordan River Basin With Reference to Long Distance Transfers
- Y.A. Mageed & Gilbert F. White: Critical Analysis of Existing institutional Arrengements
- M.A.Chitale: Institutional Charecteristics for International Cooperation in Water Resources
- Brian Grover & Michael Jeffrson: World Council - One Possible Model
- Asit K. Biswas: Instıtutional Arrangements for International Cooperation in Water Resources
- Aaron T. Wolf & Masahiro Murakami: Techno-political Decision Making for Water Resources Development- The Jordan Watershed
- Aaron T. Wolf & Masahiro Murakami: Techno-political Water and Energy Development Alternatives in the Dead Sea and Aqaba Regions
- Kennji Jınno et al.: Risk Assessment of a Water Supply System during Drought
- M.Abu Zeid et al.: Seismicity Induced by Resevoirs-Aswan High Dam
Special Issue: Water Resources Development in a Holistic Socioeconomic Context-The Turkish Experience
- M. Bayazıt& İ.Avcı: Water Resources of Turkey: Potential, Planning, Development and Management
- O.Ünver: Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP)
- D. Altınbilek&H. Akçakoca: Innovative Approaches in Water Resources Development in GAP
- S.Erhan: The Social Structure in the GAP Region
- B. Akşit& A. Akçay: Sociocultural Aspects of Irrigation Practices in the GAP
- D.Kulga& C.Çakmak: Toward Sustainable Water Management in the GAP
- T.Aküzüm et al: Irrigation Management in GAP
- H. Yavuz: The Manavgat Project of Turkey: Water an Economic Good
- A. Bağış: Turkey's Hydropolitics of the Euphrates-Tigris Basin