Özden Bilen web sitesinin içerisinde bir "Blog Sayfası" açılmıştır. Özden Bilen, zaman zaman yeni yazılarını bu sayfa üzerinden yayınlayacaktır.

İlk Yazımız "ATATÜRK’ÜN KURAN-I KERİM ve PİYANO HEDİYE ETTİĞİ İLKOKUL" başlığını taşımaktadır.
Özden Bilen is familiar with the spheres of water policymaking and academia. He was assigned to the Director General of Sate Hydraulic Works (DSİ) in 1993 after holding several offices in the same organization and retired in 1995.

This website includes selected bibliographic list of books, articles, reports related to hydropolitics, water resources development & management which are a part of his private library. Water Resources Archive was classified according to the different subject areas. The purpose of the website is to provide a quick reference to particularly on the subject of “trans-boundary waters” for young scholars and those concerned. Most of his personal publications and presentations could be reached online.

An autobiographical essay covering his childhood, university and career years was posted on the website as e-book format.

All the content of Özden Bilen's books and articles could be used, provided you indicate the source.
Orsam Water Resources Programme

Özden Bilen yayınlarının içeriği, kaynak gösterilerek, alıntılanabilir.

Özden Bilen'den Yeni Kitap

Yayın Tarihi : 26.05.2022
ISBN : 9786057154316
Sayfa Sayısı : 304
Cilt Tipi : Karton Kapak
Kağıt Cinsi : Kitap Kağıdı
Boyut : 13.5 x 21 cm

A new book by Özden Bilen titled Middle East and Soviet Union / Water Diplomacy, Post-Soviet Era was published in May 2022. The new book is in two parts, several chapters, one appendix in addition to conclusions and recommendations.

The first part, 106 pp., devoted to Bilen’s several journeys through Syria and Iraq while serving as the member or head of the Turkish team of Joint Technical Committee (JTC) and includes visit to the Libya in the context of initial filling of Atatürk Dam. On the journeys in Syria and Iraq, members of JTC visited river intakes, several dams (Tabqa, Musoul), water discharge measurement stations, river flood protection works. These visits were followed by talks on technical matters.

Part two, 113 pp., outlines author’s impressions about Soviet science, technology, culture and daily life while he was in Moscow and Soviet Middle Asia from 23 July to 14 August 1975, in the context of Ninth Congress on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) held in Moscow.

Author, in his new book, shared his expert insights concerning transboundary water issues based on past policy experiences and changed circumstances along with reshaping of the Syria and Iraq.


  1. Water Agenda of Turkey/ Water Management and EU Water Policy (Türkçe / Turkish)
  2. Environment and Ilısu Dam Case (Türkçe / Turkish)
  3. Turkey & Water Issues in the Middle East (Türkçe / Turkish)
  4. Turkey & Water Issues in the Middle East (İngilizce / English)
  5. Design of Irrigation Channel Structures (Türkçe / Turkish)
  6. Memoirs and Thoughts (Türkçe / Turkish)

Tam İçerik / Full Content
Türkçe / Turkish

Önsöz / Preface
Türkçe / Turkish

Tam İçerik / Full Content
Türkçe / Turkish


Tam İçerik / Full Content
İngilizce / English

Tam İçerik / Full Content
Türkçe / Turkish

Tam İçerik / Full Content
Türkçe / Turkish

1. Türkiye'nin Su Gündemi: Su Yönetimi ve AB Su Politikaları
2. Çevre Emperyalizmi ve Ilısu Barajı Örneği
3. Ortadoğu Su Sorunları ve Türkiye
4. Turkey and Water Issues in the Middle East
5. Sulama Kanalları Üzerindeki Yapıların Projelendirilmesi (Design of Structures on Irrigation Canals)
6. Anılar ve Düşünceler (Otobiyografi)
7. Atatürk’ün Kuran-ı Kerim ve Piyano Hediye Ettiği İlkokul (Ocak - 2018)
8. Ortadoğu ve Sovyetler Birliği Su Diplomasisi Sovyet Dönem ve Sonrası (Mayıs - 2022)

1. Sınıraşan Sularda İşbirliği ve Hidropolitik Sorunlar (2009)
2. Avrupa Birliği'nin Su Politikalarının Hidropolitik Değerlendirilmesi (2006)
3. A Hydropolitical Assessment of the European Union's Water Policy (2006)
4. Irak'ın Siyasal Yapılanmasının Hidropolitik Etkileri (2006)
5. Irak' ın Siyasal Yapılanmasının Hidropolitik Değerlendirilmesi (2003)
6. Ortadoğu Su Sorunları ve Türkiye (2002)
7. Water Scarcity Management (2001)
8. Hydro Political and Technical Assessment of the Waters in the Middle East (2001)
9. Fırat-Dicle Nehirlerinin Hidropolitik Değerlendirilmesi (2000)
10. Water Tariff as a Policy Instrument for Demand Management and Conservation of Watershed : Theoretical Aspects (2000)
11. Suyun Stratejik Önemi (2000)
12. Türkiye ile Komşuları Arasında İmzalanan Sınıraşan ve Sınır Sularına Ait Bazı Anlaşma ve Belgelerin Değerlendirilmesi
13. Water Allocation and Concept of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (1999)
14. FAO E-mail Conference On Assessment of Water Scacity (WATSCR1) and Water Scarcity Management: Options and Issues (WATSCR2)-1997
15. FAO E-mail Conference On River Basin Management (BASMGT)-1997
16. Türkiye'de Fırat Nehri Üzerindeki Barajların Aşağı Kıyıdaş Ülkelere Etkileri (1997)
17. Overview of Middle East Water Resources: A Tecnical Perspective (1996)
18. Setting up a National Water Policy through Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy : the Turkish Case (1995)
19. Report on Proposals for Irrigation and Drainage Policy (1995)
20. Report on Irrigation Sub-Sector Review- Phase I (1995)
21. Prospects for Technical Cooperation in the Euphrates (1994)
22. A Technical Perspective on Euphrates-Tigris Basin (1994)
23. Successful Exprience with Irrigation Management Through Participation and Full Transfer of Management to Users in a Gradual and Intensive Manner: Turkey Case Study (1994)
24. Some Facts about Water Management in the Middle East and Prospects for Collaboration (1992)
25. Comprehensive Water Resources Management : An Analysis of Turkish Experience (1992)
26. Background Report on Comprehensive Water Resources Management Policies: An Analysis of Turkish Exprience (1991)
27. Comments on the Hydropolitics of Nile, Jordan and Eupharates-Tigris Basin (1991)
28. Atatürk Barajı'nda Su Tutulmasına İlişkin Olarak 6 Arap Ülkesine Yapılan Ziyaret Hakkında Rapor (1990)
29. Technical Documents and Report on the Initiation of Atatürk Dam's Impounding (1990)
30. Remarks on Planning of Water Resources Development
31. Water Deficiency and Ensuing Policies (1988)
32. Sediment-Controlling Irrigation Intake Structures (1975)
33. Plastic Siphon Outlet Fitted with an Intake Tube (1975)
34. Yan Savaklarda Debi ve Su hattı Tayini (1969)